Thursday, 24 January 2013

Free Download Adobe After Effect CS6 Full Version

Free Download Adobe After Effect CS6 Full Version | Rakuplus - Adobe AfterFX adalah sebuah software untuk mengedit video, membuat video, dan membuat visual video.
Dengan After Effect ini anda bisa mengedit video dari Slow Motion, dan lain lain.
Bisa juga membuat video menggunakan software ini.

Tetapi untuk membuat video atau dalam kata lain adalah project tidaklah mudah, anda harus menjadi proffesional dahulu untuk membuat project dengan bagus, tapi jangan khawatir karena banyak project yang diberikan secara cuma cuma atau gratis misalnya, dan

Bisa juga membuat visual video atau menambahkan beberapa gambar dan gambar tersebut terlihat asli mulai dari hancur, mengeluarkan api, mengeluarkan air lanyaknya Avatar Of Aang (Jadi inget film anak kecil :D), untuk membuat visual studio seperti ini anda harus mempunyai script script tersendiri yang tentunya tidak mudah untuk mendapatkan dan memmbuatnya.

Berikut Feature terbaru dari Adobe After Effect CS6 Full Version:

1. Global Performance Cache
Create more in less time. With new Global Performance Cache, your previews are saved and ready when you are — no more waiting for the application to catch up. This revolution "under the hood" makes After Effects extremely fast and responsive by taking full advantage of the power of your computer’s hardware for visual effects and motion graphics.

2.3D Camera Tracker
Track 3D elements with complete control over depth of field, shadows, and reflections. Automatically analyze and place 3D track points onto 2D footage in the background while you work.

3. Ray-traced, extruded text and shapes
Extrude fully ray-traced text and shapes natively and take full advantage of reflections, environment maps, and more.

4. Variable mask feathering
Precisely specify feather values at any place along a mask, not just at its vertices. Control falloff and shape of feathering, resulting in a big boost to creative flexibility.

5. Integration with Adobe Illustrator
Instantly convert Illustrator vector art (AI and EPS format) into shape layers. Easily animate vector art in 2D or extrude to 3D.

6. Rolling Shutter Repair
Remove rolling shutter artifacts such as skew and wobble without forcing stabilization.

7. New and updated effects
Enhance your creativity with 90 new and updated built-in effects, including the complete 16- and 32-bit CycoreFX HD suite.

8. Avid AAF and FCP 7 XML file import with Pro Import AE
Import and work with files created in Apple Final Cut Pro 7 or earlier versions, as well as Avid Media Composer and Symphony, letting you integrate After Effects with professional production workflows.

9. mocha for After Effects CS6
Launch mocha for After Effects CS6 directly within After Effects CS6.

System Requirements


  1. Intel® Core™2 Duo or AMD Phenom® II processor; 64-bit support required
  2. Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 and Windows® 8. Refer to the CS6 FAQ for more information about Windows 8 support.
  3. 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
  4. 3GB of available hard-disk space; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
  5. Additional disk space for disk cache (10GB recommended)
  6. 1280x900 display
  7. OpenGL 2.0–capable system
  8. DVD-ROM drive for installation from DVD media
  9. QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features
  10. Optional: Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated ray-traced 3D renderer
  11. This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services. Phone activation is not available.

Mac OS

Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
Mac OS X v10.6.8, v10.7, or v10.8**
4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
4GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
Additional disk space for disk cache (10GB recommended)
1280x900 display
OpenGL 2.0–capable system
DVD-ROM drive for installation from DVD media
QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features
Optional: Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated ray-traced 3D renderer*
This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.† Phone activation is not available.
** Learn more about Mac OS X Mountain Lion support.
The following NVIDIA GPUs are supported in After Effects CS6.
GeForce GTX 285
GeForce GT 650M*
Quadro FX 4800
Quadro 4000
GeForce GTX 285
GeForce GTX 470
GeForce GTX 570
GeForce GTX 580
GeForce GTX 670*
GeForce GTX 680*
GeForce GTX 690*
Quadro CX
Quadro FX 3700M
Quadro FX 3800
Quadro FX 3800M
Quadro FX 4800
Quadro FX 5800
Quadro 2000
Quadro 2000D
Quadro 2000M
Quadro 3000M
Quadro 4000
Quadro 4000M
Quadro 5000
Quadro 5000M
Quadro 5010M
Quadro 6000
Tesla C2075 (Windows)/Maximus configuration.

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Size: 897.54 MB
Format: Rar
Via: Depositfile
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Saturday, 19 January 2013

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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Download Antivirus Microsoft Security Essetials

Microsoft security essential adalah salah satu produk dari microsoft untuk membersihkan virus dari dalam komputer.

Apa itu virus?
Virus adalah sebuah program komputer yang bersifat merusak komputer, virus yang harus anda hindari adalah virus sality, virut, dll karena virus tersebut menyebar.
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Antivirus ini sudah terbukti ampuh untuk mengusir virus yang berbahaya.

Minimum system requirements for running Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials is free* and easy to download. Here's what you need to run it:
Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)*; Windows Vista (Service Pack 1, or Service Pack 2)*; Windows 7*
  • For Windows XP, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 500 MHz or higher, and 256 MB RAM or higher.
  • For Windows Vista and Windows 7, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 1.0 GHz or higher, and 1 GB RAM or higher.
  • VGA display of 800 × 600 or higher.
  • 200 MB of available hard disk space.
  • An Internet connection is required for installation and to download the latest virus and spyware definitions for Microsoft Security Essentials.
  • Internet Browser:
    • Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.
    • Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later.
  • Microsoft Security Essentials also supports Windows XP Mode in Windows 7. For more information see the system requirements for Windows XP Mode in Windows 7.

silahkan download antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials berikut di link yang sudah saya sediakan


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Pengertian Seo On Page dan Seo Off Page - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Adalah proses untuk meningkatkan traffic suatu blog atau website dengan memanfaatkan algoritma mesin pencari (Search Engine).

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Sedangkan Seo Off Page adalah:
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5. promosikan blog ke forum dofollow.
dan lain lain optimalisasi yang bersifat dari luar atau pihak ketiga.

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